Other Language Educators College and University Education Unvetted SIG Forum
International Online Exchange in Times of Covid
Presenters will give examples of international online exchange using on-time and off-time methods. College or university students who study or learn a foreign language other than English, mainly on level A1-A2. The presentations will show what methods are used to keep students interested, curious and eager to interact and learn the language with their online partners in other countries. The presentations will be given in the original language while information in English or Japanese will be given either on the slides or in a verbal summary.
I am teaching Spanish at Tohoku University. My main interests are teaching at beginners level, literature and intercultural topics.
I have been teaching Thai language in the Department of Asian Languages at Kanda University of International Studies, Chiba, for the past 20 years. My interests are in the field of Applied Linguistics and culture. I spend most of my time at the university encouraging students to deepen their interest in the language and country. At Kanda University we have a high level of cultural diversity. Even during the pandemic, we tried to connect students to the world outside of the university. Though students were unable to travel to Thailand on a real study tour, by creating the online study tour for students, we could help motivate them to learn. I hope that you will find that my presentation on the topic “Study tour online” will be of use.
In meinem handlungsorientierten Unterricht entwickele ich Projekte, die thematisch von Belang für meine Studierenden sind. Wichtig ist mir auch, dass sie Fertigkeiten trainieren, die auch außerhalb des Deutschunterrichts Anwendung finden können (z.B. das Kreieren einer adäquaten Power Point Präsentation, das Halten eines Vortrags vor Publikum etc.). In meinem ganzheitlich ausgerichteten Unterricht agieren meine Lernenden aktiv. Der Unterrichtsraum ähnelt einer Werkstatt, bei dem „Kopf, Herz und Hand“ (Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, 1746–1827), also kognitives, affektives und psychomotorisches Lernen zum Tragen kommen. 私のアクティブ・ラーニング授業では、学習者にとっての興味深いテーマを選んだプロジェクトを展開します。また、ドイツ語の学習以外でも応用できるスキルを練習することも重要です(例:適切なパワーポイントの作成、聴衆の前でス発表をすること等)。 私のホリスティック志向の授業では、学習者は積極的に参加します。教室は、「頭、心、手」(ペスタロッチ・ヨハン ハインリヒ、 1746年 - 1827年)、すなわち認知、感情、精神運動の学習が行われる「ワークショップ」のようなものです。