Lisa M. Hunsberger
Kyushu Sangyo University
I’m a full-time lecturer at Kyushu Sangyo University with a Masters in linguistics, and I've been in the language and linguistics field for close to 20 years —teaching in it since 2005. I’ve taught at universities in Jamaica, at a high school in France, and at every level in Japan, from kindergarten to university, in addition to professionals and retirees. I have a special love for and enjoyment of public speaking and presentation design, and in the classroom, I use presentation software in fun and innovative ways. I've presented a lot on my work and interests, including as an invited speaker at universities and conferences in Japan and Korea. My interests include public speaking, effective presentation design, CALL, Jamaican creole, and -more recently- neurodiversity and learning challenges.Sessions
Performance in Education Performance in Education SIG Forum more
Sat, Jul 9, 15:15-16:45 Asia/Tokyo
Performance in Education refers to the use of activities such as roleplays, skits, process drama, readers theatre, speech, debate, oral presentations, dance, music, spoken word, rap, kamishibai, film, and podcasting in education. The Performance in Education SIG focuses on the use of these activities by teachers and students inside and outside of the classroom. The SIG Forum will feature lightning presentations (10-minute presentations) by a diverse lineup of presenters who will share their ideas and experience on the various facets of Performance in Education.