Yuri Imamura

Tokyo Kasei University


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Learner Development Challenging Conventions: Opening up New Spaces in Learner Development (ONLINE SESSIONS) more

Sun, Jul 10, 11:45-13:15 Asia/Tokyo

This forum will examine how new learning spaces can help learners grow beyond conventional education environments. Presenters will explore holistic and ecological perspectives on learners’ growth, taking into account multiple aspects of their experiences, their interactions with others, and different affordances in diverse learning environments and spaces. The forum will include both studies that shed new light on the impact of sociocultural and psychological factors on the development of learner autonomy, as well as practice-related accounts that explore learners’ practices in a range of learning spaces outside of conventional classroom settings. In the forum participants will have opportunities in pairs and small groups to discuss and reflect on different non-conventional environments, spaces, and processes that learners can access and/or use. The combination of these theoretical and practice-based perspectives will encourage us to think about learner development from fresh angles, not only under the current and post-pandemic situation, but also beyond, so that we can come away from the forum with fresh ideas for challenging conventions and opening up new spaces in learner development in our own learning, teaching, and research. Round One 11:50 to 12:20 Phillip A. Bennett and Isra Wongsarnpigoon and Andrew Barfield Round Two 12:20-12:50 Yuri Imamura and Michael Kuziw

Tim Cleminson Isra Wongsarnpigoon Phillip A. Bennett Andy Barfield Yuri Imamura Michael Kuziw