Learner Development Any Unvetted SIG Forum
Challenging Conventions: Opening up New Spaces in Learner Development (FACE TO FACE)
This forum will examine how new learning spaces can help learners grow beyond conventional education environments. Presenters will explore holistic and ecological perspectives on learners’ growth, taking into account multiple aspects of their experiences, their interactions with others, and different affordances in diverse learning environments and spaces. The forum will include both studies that shed new light on the impact of sociocultural and psychological factors on the development of learner autonomy, as well as practice-related accounts that explore learners’ practices in a range of learning spaces outside of conventional classroom settings. In the forum participants will have opportunities in pairs and small groups to discuss and reflect on different non-conventional environments, spaces, and processes that learners can access and/or use. The combination of these theoretical and practice-based perspectives will encourage us to think about learner development from fresh angles, not only under the current and post-pandemic situation, but also beyond, so that we can come away from the forum with fresh ideas for challenging conventions and opening up new spaces in learner development in our own learning, teaching, and research. Round One 11:50 to 12:20 Dominique Vola Ambinintsoa Razafindratsimba, Fanaperana Haingo Rajaonaritiana, Volatiana Olivia Rasoanindrina and Jenny Morgan Round Two 12:20 to 12:50 James Underwood, Gretchen Clark and Greg Rouault
Hello, everyone. I'm Tim. I'm the LD Coordinator and I'll be hosting the online part of this forum. I am really excited to hear all the presentations and discussions at the forum. I also look forward to meeting you around the conference. Please introduce yourself, as I'm still new to LD! Thanks
Dominique Vola Ambinintsoa is a learning advisor and a lecturer at Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba, Japan. She holds a PhD in applied linguistics, focusing on fostering learner autonomy in an EFL context (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) and a Master of Education in TESOL (State University of New York at Buffalo, US). She is a co-managing editor of the Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education’s Relay Journal and is a co-editor for an upcoming issue of the Learner Development Journal. She has a particular interest in learner autonomy, self-access language learning, advising in language learning, and positive psychology in education. In addition to Japan, she has had experience of teaching English in Madagascar, the United States, and New Zealand.
Volatiana Olivia RASOANINDRINA holds a Bachelor degree in English teaching from Ecole Normale Supérieure, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. She is currently a 4th year student of Business English at the Department of English of the University of Antananarivo. In the future, she will create opportunities for her students to learn English beyond the classroom to ensure an effective learning environment. Her research interests include learning beyond the classroom, learning English through videos, songs, through reading books and attending English clubs. She also has a particular interest in translation.
Haingoarinjaka Fanaperana RAJAONARITIANA is currently a 3rd year student teacher at Ecole Normale Supérieure, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. She is convinced that learning beyond the classroom is the most effective way to learn English and intends to encourage her students to do so. She is a very independent learner and considers being aware of that independence as a necessity for her learning process. Her research interests include the importance of learning beyond the classroom and learning English through more interesting ways such as songs, novels and games. In her free time, she likes reading books and watching movies.
Interested in ways we co-create safe and challenging spaces for learners and teachers to grow and act together for social justice.
Greg Rouault is an Associate Professor at Hiroshima Shudo University. He has a Master of Applied Linguistics from Macquarie University and has taught at various levels in diverse contexts in Japan for over 20 years. His research interests include ER & reading literacy, ESP/EAP, business English, and experiential task-based learning with simulations.
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