
Performance in Education College and University Education Research-Oriented Presentation

Discussion Booklet Creation and Kindle Direct Publishing

Sat, Jul 9, 11:45-12:10 Asia/Tokyo

Location: F21

When attempting to horizontally align expectations and outcomes of any discussion course shared between a group of teachers there is a definite need to use a quality student booklet. Self-publication is a timely way to get effective materials into the hands of students minus the need to go through editors and long processes. This presentation will show: (1) how to produce a discussion coursebook and content that will facilitate the goal of developing successful discussion students, (2) how a well-designed standard layout can be effective, and (3) the steps taken in order to get the book content, ISBN, and author information into the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) system, and available in the Amazon store. This presentation is aimed at helping teachers understand how to prepare the materials for upload and to highlight pitfalls to avoid. The presenter shall explain (1) why included elements are critical to developing student skills in fruitful discussions, (2) assessment of students' performance and discovery, and (3) reflection and meaningful learning. This style of discussion booklet is student-centered, and student-led, with guidance from the teacher facilitating increased depth of learning while building confidence in students' discussion skills.

  • Brian Gallagher

    SAAP at Meijo University and Adjunct at Kinjo Gakuin University, Nagoya. M.A. Open & Distance Education, PanSIG JALTCALL Liaison, PIE SIG Member, PanSIG2017 Journal Editor in Chief, Abstract Reviewer, and Associate Editorial Team member.