
Teacher Development College and University Education Research-Oriented Presentation

Using the J-POSTL Elementary: Benefits, Challenges and Possibilities

Sat, Jul 9, 12:20-12:45 Asia/Tokyo

Location: E26

A foreign language became a formal subject in Japanese elementary schools in 2020. Due to a lack of specialized English teachers, homeroom teachers are also teaching English classes on their own or in a team teaching combination. Thus, in order to prepare pre-service teachers (PSTs) for this eventuality, two new English courses have been added to the elementary education teacher license curriculum. The Japanese Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages Elementary (J-POSTL Elementary) is a reflection tool featuring 167 self-assessment descriptors (SADs). Designed to be used by both pre-service and in-service teachers, it is currently being trialed at a number of universities. Qualitative survey data obtained after the completion of the two new English courses indicate that the PSTs found the J-POSTL Elementary useful for reflection, goal-setting and self-evaluation. However, some PSTs felt overwhelmed by the SADs, while others were unsure of how to use the portfolio effectively. This presentation highlights the benefits and challenges of integrating the J-POSTL Elementary into elementary education English classes. Possible future uses and adaptations of the portfolio and its components are also discussed, including English versions to create additional common ground between educators, and extending non-language specific SADs to general elementary education contexts.

  • Gaby Benthien

    Gaby Benthien is a professor at Shumei University and adjunct lecturer at Chuo University. She taught Japanese and PE at a secondary school in Australia from 1991 to 1999 as well as Japanese at a group of primary schools. She spent 1996 on a working holiday in Japan, and returned in 1999 to work as an ALT in Yamanashi for six years. While working as an ALT, Gaby completed a master degree in international education, and later on her doctorate degree focusing on L2 motivation during and after a study abroad program. She is currently teaching classes related to culture, general English, and L2 education in primary schools. Gaby’s research interests include intercultural understanding, L2 motivation and teacher development. She is currently the Tokyo Chapter TYL co-chair, and publications co-chair for the TYL SIG and ICLE SIG .