
Accessibility in Language Learning  Teaching Mature / Lifelong learners Research-Oriented Presentation

Ainu Language Learning Through Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Methods

Fri, Jul 8, 17:15-17:40 Asia/Tokyo

Location: F31: DO NOT RECORD

While UNESCO classified the Ainu language as critically endangered in 2009, stakeholders continue to engage in preservation and revival efforts in a variety of capacities. This presentation will focus on an Ainu language class developed in March 2021, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, adopting a new hybrid style of language learning. The weekly 90-minute class held on Zoom utilizes a long-standing community-based method for adult Māori language learning called Te Ataarangi combined with modern online initiatives. The language teachers and tutors also update self-access revision and study materials weekly on the associated Moodle LMS. The class participants (n=30) include both Ainu and non-Ainu, varying nationalities, young Ainu language and culture apprentices, shopkeepers, school teachers, university professors, university students, museum staff at Upopoy (the Symbolic Space for Ethnic Harmony in Shiraoi, Hokkaido) and other participants dedicated to Ainu language revitalization. The presenters will share the background and methods of the course and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using Zoom as the main online synchronous learning tool. Functionality of the asynchronous tool, Moodle, will also be detailed, ending with a discussion of future plans for the development of the classes and online platforms.

  • Matthew Cotter

    Matthew (Matt) Cotter, formerly a primary school teacher in NZ, currently lectures at Hokusei Gakuen University Junior College in Sapporo, Japan. He holds undergraduate degrees in Maori Studies and Psychology and a Diploma of Primary Teaching. After moving to Japan and making Sapporo his home, he completed a Master of Education specializing in TESOL. His research interests include support for indigenous language, culture and identity revitalization and also intercultural communication.