
Teaching Younger Learners Junior / Senior High School Research-Oriented Presentation

Adapting a Model UN for high school EFL students of various levels

Sat, Jul 9, 16:25-16:50 Asia/Tokyo

Location: E21

Model United Nations has been growing within the last 30 years as an active-learning educational conference for high school students in Japan, for the purpose of raising awareness in global issues as well as allowing participants to convey creative, logical, and critical output to formulate solutions to world problems in a L2 environment. Many schools are taking interest in either participating in or hosting a Model UN for their students; however, as a Model UN is mostly conducted in English, teachers may question whether their students can successfully participate due to either low EFL levels or a lack of understanding in global issues. This presentation utilizes ongoing action research to answer questions pertaining to how a Model UN can be adapted for high school students of various EFL levels to participate, especially in regards to what topics to choose for debate and discussion, as well as how to prepare students for successfully participating in a Model UN through simple scaffolding techniques and idea formation, despite their EFL levels.

  • Edward Escobar

    Edward (MS Ed., TESOL) is the Coordinator and an English teacher for the Course of International and Cultural Studies at Kyoto Gaidai Nishi High School, where he also serves as a member of the Kansai High School Model United Nations Organizing Committee.

Presenter's slides with script

Post-Presentation Survey
I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the topic and presentation.

Jargon words used in my presentation

  • MUN - Model United Nations
  • SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
  • Agenda - Model United Nations conference theme
  • General Assembly - a meeting of all country delegations for the purpose of discussing world issues and actions to be taken on these issues
  • Draft Resolution - a document presented to the General Assembly that outlines the issue(s) being discussed (preambular) and the actions countries are being asked to take (operative)
  • Operative Clause - an explanation of what states decide to do (solution)
  • Bloc - a group of country delegations assigned to work together to write a draft resolution
  • Formal Debate Speech - A speech made by delegations that outlines their country's position on the issue being discussed
  • Informal Debate - A question-&-answer session moderated by the General Assembly President
  • Amendment - A change to the draft resolution made/proposed by a delegation after the draft resolution is introduced to the General Assembly
  • Motion - A proposal made by a delegation during the General Assembly to move from one proceeding to another
