
Computer Assisted Language Learning Non-teaching Context Research-Oriented Presentation

Will online TOEIC self-study be better than traditional TOEIC self-study?

Sat, Jul 9, 16:25-16:50 Asia/Tokyo

Location: C11

The pandemic has forced researchers to explore new avenues for conducting L2 research. Traditional face-to-face instruction to encourage students’ self-study is challenging, particularly for EOP (English for Occupational Purposes) contexts. To explore this problem, this presentation will discuss a study that will explore the application and efficacy of E-Learning as a tool to develop TOEIC proficiency. There are 40 participants in the study, all employed by the Kyoto Police as English translators with TOEIC scores between 450 and 600. The study aims to assess the effectiveness of an E-learning platform to develop TOEIC listening and speaking test scores without any face-to-face interaction. Participants have been placed into two groups, one group will receive traditional self-study guidance and use TOEIC focused textbook “TOEIC L&Rテスト至高の模試600問”and the other group will use a TOEIC L&R focused course created by EnglishCentral that is accessed via a smartphone or tablet. Each group will do a total of 100 hours of self-study over a 3-month period beginning the summer of 2022. This presentation will present the study design, proposed analyses, hypothesized outcomes, and other data-gathering related issues. Feedback and suggestions to improve the study are welcome.

  • Michael Holsworth

    I am an Associate Professor at Kyoto Sangyo University in the Institute of General Education. My research focus is on ESP areas that include L2 English for the police, corpus studies for police English, and other areas related. In addition, I love skiing and am the director of the KSU Ski Team.