Paul Matthews

Kyushu Sangyo University


I’m a lecturer at Kyushu Sangyo University in Fukuoka, Japan. I have a B.A. in Fine Art from the University of Plymouth and an M.A. in TESOL from Sheffield Hallam University. My current research interests are extensive reading, motivation, and educational technology.


Extensive Reading Creating & Utilizing Videos to Increase Student Engagement with Xreading more

Sat, Jul 9, 12:55-13:20 Asia/Tokyo

This presentation will chronicle the creation and implementation of short videos designed to encourage students to engage with the extensive reading (ER) platform Xreading more regularly. The context of the current study is a compulsory English course at a private university in Japan, in which students are required to read 60,000 words in Xreading per semester. Teachers often observe that despite undertaking an ER orientation, students do not fully appreciate the benefits of ER, and often leave large amounts of reading until the very end of the semester. Students who do this fail to reap the full rewards of ER and risk receiving a lower grade or failing the course. To encourage students to engage with Xreading more regularly, the researchers created 5 short videos. The videos extol the benefits of ER, suggest ways for students to increase reading enjoyment, and directly encourage students to engage with ER on a frequent and regular basis. This presentation will discuss the impact of the videos on the students’ self-reported engagement levels and their actual reading habits based on an analysis of the Xreading data. Finally, future use of the videos and the direction of future research will be considered.

Paul Matthews David Johnson Neil Witkin