Michael Yap



Mike is a visiting lecturer at Meiho Junior and Senior High School. His interests include developing self-paced and mastery-based learning environments, differentiated instruction, and providing support to foreign language students who have learning difficulties.


Accessibility in Language Learning  Sustainable Inclusivity: Practical Solutions for Supporting Learners more

Sun, Jul 10, 11:45-13:15 Asia/Tokyo

As the pandemic forced us to move online, learner needs became more diverse and complicated in language education. Teachers’ resources and strategies increasingly face a growing need to reflect these changes. The Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (2016) mandated the provision of equal educational opportunities for all learners, including those with special needs. However, according to JASSO (2020), the percentage of students with special needs in higher education slightly decreased last year. This raises the following questions: Does online teaching better accommodate learners with special needs? Did the online context level the playing field and make traditional differences and difficulties invisible for teachers in? Further research is needed to fully understand these changes. In light of this, the ALL SIG forum will focus on sharing ideas and relating experiences of all participants. This forum will showcase individual stories and experiences creating needs analysis framework for the purpose of assessing contexts and sharing strategies and resources. By creating a support network, educators can work together to address the diversity of needs reflected in today’s classroom. The goal is to raise awareness of diverse learner needs and develop inclusive strategies for language teachers and school administrators.

Ryota Moriya Natsuki Suzuki Andrew Reimann Alexandra Burke Ryoko Sato Michael Yap Katrina Persons-Nishi