Travis West

Rikkyo University


Travis West has taught as an academic English instructor in South Korea, Japan, and the USA, and has held a position as English lecturer at a university in Tokyo for the last seven years. Travis has an M.A. in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from the University of Leicester. His research interests include critical thinking in a second language, project-based learning, corpus linguistics, and curriculum development in task-based language teaching.


Learner Development Teacher reflections on a student-led group seminar project more

Sat, Jul 9, 15:50-16:15 Asia/Tokyo

Project-based learning (PBL) is a progressing development in education that suggests tremendous benefits for learners, such as mastering 21st-century academic skills, developing learner autonomy, increasing motivation, and building group dynamics through collaborative work. In this presentation, the authors will attempt to demonstrate the accuracy of the above statement by reflecting on the effectiveness of the PBL approach which they implemented in a student-led group seminar project for an advanced English course at a private university in Tokyo. After providing a brief overview of the PBL approach and a complete description of how each stage of the student-led group seminar project relates to this approach, each instructor will report their unique observations of the project flow in their classes together with observations regarding whether the educational benefits of PBL were achieved. In addition, ways in which the project could be further improved to better facilitate learning outcomes of the PBL approach will also be discussed.