Natsue Nakayama
Bunkyo University
Natsue Nakayama is a professor at Bunkyo University. She received an MSc from the University of Oxford. She has been involved in teaching EFL and pre-service teacher training for more than 15 years. Her research interests include language teacher education, intercultural approaches to language learning, and user research of dictionaries.Sessions
Intercultural Communication in Language Education TYL & ICLE SIG Forum: Intercultural understanding in Japanese schools more
Sun, Jul 10, 11:45-13:15 Asia/Tokyo
This forum is a collaboration between the Teaching Young Learners (TYL) SIG and the Intercultural Communication in Language Education (ICLE) SIG. Its aim is to showcase how intercultural communication is approached in primary and secondary schools from a variety of perspectives. Some of our invited presenters will share their research based on descriptors from the Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures (FREPA) as to what degree intercultural communicative competence is promoted in the new elementary school English textbooks. Presenters will also discuss the difficulties of teaching aspects of an L2 that are not a common feature in the L1 sociocultural environment, engaging ways in which a teacher can introduce their own country and culture to a class, how the School Lunches Project promoted the development of an investigative stance towards plurality, and how intercultural understanding is incorporated in pre-service teacher education.