Benio Suzuki
Utsunomiya University
Benio Suzuki is currently an assistant professor at the English programme at Utsunomiya University. He has received his first MA degree in Applied Linguistics at the Universitat de Barcelona and the second one in TESOL at Sophia University, Japan. His research interests are the development of second language pragmatics in a foreign language context and the relationship between second language pragmatics and speaker subjectivity.Sessions
Pragmatics Pragmatics: What we’ve done—What we will do more
Sun, Jul 10, 10:00-11:30 Asia/Tokyo
In this Forum, three Pragmatics SIG members will take turns sharing how and why they became interested in the field and what specific areas they have worked on. They will then use their creative imagination to brainstorm where they hope the field of pragmatics—and in particular, our SIG--will go in the future. The panelists include Jim Ronald, who will speak about his constant efforts to develop and promote pragmatic activities for the second language classroom. Next, Yosuke Ogawa will talk about using an interdisciplinary approach and the synthesis of approaches, i.e., an examination of conversation analysis, discourse analysis and sociolinguistic research. Then, Benio Suzuki will share his practical work on requests and refusals, and his research on interactional competence. Noriko Ishihara, another expert and a well-known professor of pragmatics, will guide the overall discussion. The main goal is to share with the audience the wide range of topics where pragmatics is relevant and engage everyone in a discussion about future pragmatic directions.