Amy Braun


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Teaching Younger Learners How to Teach Programming to Young Learners in English more

Sat, Jul 9, 15:50-16:15 Asia/Tokyo

Teaching programming has taken off in Japan since MEXT introduced it as a subject in elementary schools in 2020. English schools have also been offering programming courses as getting a job with high-paying IT companies such as Apple or Google also requires employees to have high-level English. The current trend in teaching young learners about coding is to use programs and games that incorporate the idea of block programming. This presentation will talk about how to teach the beginning stages of block programming to students from ages 3 to 12. We will discuss the most appropriate stages to teach programming to each developmental age. The presenter will talk about how non-native students learn English with coding. Also, the presenter will talk about various in-class games, toys, sites, and programs that can help educators teach programming effectively. And the best part is that you don't need prior knowledge to teach coding or to attend this presentation. You don't even need to have a computer to teach programming. Come to the presentation to find out why.

Amy Braun