Szabina Ádámku
My name is Szabina Ádámku and I am currently working as a guest lecturer at the Department of International Studies of Meisei University, parallel to which I am doing my PhD studies in English Language Pedagogy at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. My research interest is autonomous and self-regulated vocabulary learning, with a stronger focus on self-regulation and current trends of outside-class learning. Having gained some experience and observed certain similarities in English language teaching both in Hungary and Japan, I am ever more devoted to working towards better development and facilitation of learners’ outside-class self-regulated learning processes.Sessions
Learner Development Learners’ views of self-regulated EFL learning: An interview-based study more
Sat, Jul 9, 13:30-13:55 Asia/Tokyo
Technological innovations and the emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic have generated adjustments in classroom practices as well as a growing focus on outside-class autonomous and self-regulated learning (SRL), commonly determined by learners’ agency that requires capacity and will (Oxford, 2017). To gain insights into the learners’ perspectives, experiences and approaches regarding their SRL, semi-structured interviews were conducted among 17 relatively proficient Japanese university students. The vast amount of data collected and analyzed through thematic content analysis reveals the learners’ (1) views on Japanese EFL education and the importance of SRL, (2) perceived difficulties in EFL learning, (3) use of digital learning tools, (4) several workable SRL approaches and (5) abilities to control their commitment, satiation, emotion and environment in their outside-class SRL (Tseng et al., 2006). This study inquired among a limited sample of high achievers; however, it uncovers – for instance – Japanese EFL learners’ desires for contextual and communicative approaches as opposed to the generally experienced grammar-translation method, learners’ outside-class initiations in organizing learning groups, or their limited use of digital means. Furthermore, it may serve as a base for teacher development and further research including more variability in learners’ levels of education, EFL proficiency or SRL competence.