Thomas Fast

Notre Dame Seishin University


Thomas Fast is an associate professor at Notre Dame Seishin University in Okayama, Japan. He is also author of the award-winning, National Geographic textbook, Impact 4. He holds a PhD from Osaka University and researches best practices in global citizenship education. Originally from Oregon, USA, Thomas has traveled, studied and lived in over thirty countries. Okayama, Japan has been his home for the last twenty years.


Global Issues in Language Education Mapping global citizenship education through student perspectives more

Sat, Jul 9, 13:30-13:55 Asia/Tokyo

To address the call for more globally competent graduates, more and more global and international education departments have been appearing on university campuses in Japan. How are these programs fostering global competencies in their students and do the students themselves feel like they are becoming more globally competent? The presenter will discuss the results of a mixed methods study that took place in two global education programs at two different universities: One a government designated, “Top Global University,” the other an established university of foreign languages with a reputation for producing global graduates. A combined total of 242 students at the two institutions were surveyed, then interviews were conducted with smaller focus groups to see if they felt they were becoming more globally-minded as a result of their university education. In particular, they were asked if they felt they were developing commonly cited global competencies, i.e. becoming knowledgeable, inquisitive, open-minded, caring and communicative in English. The presenter will share their findings, comparing them with recent literature on global citizenship education, and discuss implications for developing successful global education programs at Japanese universities.

Thomas Fast