Tina Brown
Tina is a lecturer at Kanda University of International StudiesSessions
Accessibility in Language Learning Student perceptions of disability at a Japanese University more
Sat, Jul 9, 14:05-14:30 Asia/Tokyo
For this study, three researchers attempted to ascertain students’ perceptions of disabilities at their university. Using a Google Forms survey researchers received 60 responses and analyzed the data to look for patterns. The researchers were specifically interested in what students considered to be a disability. By learning about perceptions of students at the university, the researchers hoped to achieve specific goals: To measure the students’ colloquial understanding of disability in order to better realize the informal social milieu that students with disabilities are entering as they attend the researchers’ university. It is hoped that this survey will be used in the future with the same students, so that the researchers can measure what students learn about this topic during their time at the university and how their perceptions of those with disabilities evolve. Researchers hope to apply tools and techniques of this research towards better understanding students’ attitudes towards disability in other Japanese universities, as well. Additionally, by learning what students think, the researchers look forward to creating tools and resources for better serving and understanding disabled students. This presentation will briefly explain research methods and highlight some of the results and effects they’ve had on the university, so far.