Kate de Veas (she/her)

Kanda University of International Studies


JALT Environmental Committee member, lecturer, coordinator, and researcher at Kanda University of Int'l Studies, Chiba. Research interests: Global Education, especially engaging in environmentalism in EFL for all ages.


Global Issues in Language Education Reflection as a learning target for global education more

Sun, Jul 10, 15:05-15:30 Asia/Tokyo

This presentation will describe two types of reflective activities, written and conversational, designed to help Japanese university students of English clarify and develop their relationship to global issues, which is a valuable piece of the puzzle of global education. The outcomes of these reflective activities over 4 years show that they are largely successful in building self-awareness, despite revealing feelings of eco-anxiety, disconnection and frustration among students, which the presentation will discuss. Good reflective practice among students allows for not only greater wellbeing and depth of knowledge (Helyer, 2015; Chang, 2019), but progress towards global education’s goals of awareness, attitude, and action (Cates, 2002; Hicks 2010). Encouraging reflection, as an explicit student learning objective connected to various learning tasks, gives students the space and time to examine their values, beliefs, and changing relationships to their community, climate, and conflicts at home and abroad. A discussion of the merits and limitations of these, and other reflective practice activities in a global issues classroom is welcome.

Kate de Veas (she/her)