Matthew Miner


I am currently an English Lecturer for the English Language Institute of Kanda University of International Studies. I am researching and utilizing Exploratory Practice as a means of contextualizing genre / academic writing for Japanese university students who are learning English as another language. I have also been researching and participating in computer-assisted language learning (CALL), and I am interested in curriculum development / design.


Learner Development Contextualizing Genre through Exploratory Practice more

Sat, Jul 9, 12:20-12:45 Asia/Tokyo

In a time of uncertainty caused by the global pandemic, more than ever, many students are questioning their present education and its relevance to their current needs and future goals. It is an opportune time to invite critical inquiry in the classroom and work together as teacher and students to understand the contemporary language classroom experience. In one such class, a university freshman English Genre reading and writing class, the teacher and students piloted a style of classroom practitioner research called Exploratory Practice (EP) in order to better understand the current learning experiences of Japanese English learners. The hope was to contextualize the course’s Genre approach in order to maintain cultural and social relevance to the acts of language learning and teaching. EP is practitioner research that invites all classroom participants to explore their language learning experiences via “existing classroom practices” (Allright, 2003). The presenters will report on what context EP provided to the Genre reading and writing processes as well as whether this pilot fulfilled course objectives. Analysis of student projects reveals that students personalized their research projects and demonstrated successful use of genre conventions.

Matthew Miner Kevin Garvey