Mamoru "Bobby" Takahashi
Akita Prefectural University
Mamoru “Bobby” Takahashi is teaching English at the Research and Education Center for Comprehensive Science, Akita Prefectural University. His current areas of interest include Extensive Reading, Creative Writing, Content-based Communicative Instruction, and Computer Assisted Language Learning.Sessions
Learner Development Teaching Self-study: Ideas to improve Self-study Habits more
Sat, Jul 9, 10:00-10:25 Asia/Tokyo
The presenter will share ideas for guiding students from ‘I don’t know what to do’ to ‘now I know what to do’. The ideas include: setting goals, mental preparation for daily self-study activities, Learning Cycle, and note-taking strategies. English as it is taught in classrooms often focuses on testing students rather than on having them acquire learning skills. Learning strategies should be taught explicitly to enable our students to acquire learning skills. Learning Cycle, Active Recall, and study habits are three theoretical paradigms the presenter encountered in recent years. Learning takes place when students have opportunities to repeat the content. One effective strategy is using the Learning Cycle. The famous Feynman Learning Technique is one of the variations of the Learning Cycle. Active Recall can be used in connection with the Learning Cycle. Simply said, Active Recall is an act of self-questioning. By using Learning Cycle with Active Recall, the content can be repeatedly reviewed by students. Next, the presenter will share his collection of note-taking styles including some unique note-taking styles. At the end of the presentation, the results of the presenter’s own action research in this area will be shared.